A Google Play Games application will be released in 2023. It will allow games from Google Play to run on Windows.

PC games just have to watch out: mobile games available on Android via the Google Play Store will soon be available on Windows. Google will release a Windows app next year that will let you play its favorite Android games on a Windows PC or tablet.

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Google Play Games: a large number of Android games will be playable on PC from 2022

Main advantage: the possibility of continuing on his PC a game started on mobile. Players will indeed be able to seamlessly transition from phone, tablet, Chromebook to Windows PC “, or vice versa, explains Greg Hartrell, product director of games on Android and Google Play at Google.

Google did not partner with Windows to build this app, according to Google spokesperson Alex Garcia-Kummert. The Californian giant presented its future Windows application at the Games Awards 2021, which crowned “Best game of the year” It Takes Twoa cooperative game with unique gameplay.

Android games will run on Windows without going through the cloud, reassures Google

Google hasn’t yet detailed how Android apps will be emulated on Windows. What seems certain, is that the games will be run locally instead of being streamed from the cloud. ” The application will not involve game streaming, and will be installable on Windows 10 and later said Greg Hartrell.

Microsoft has already taken a step towards Android, but without the help of Google. The computer giant has teamed up with Amazon to allow Windows users install native apps on Android from the Amazon App Store. But this only concerns a very small number of video games, so the door remains wide open for Google, which will be able to fill this void. by offering a very large number of titles playable from next year on PCs.

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Source : The Verge


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